Terms & Conditions for hiring vehicles from Nomadic Travels.
- We act only as booking agents for transporters and while exercising the greatest possible care to give the best services and the best available transportation from our associate agents & cannot be held reasonable for any liabilities arising during the use of vehicles for which the transporter is responsible.
- Services rendered are T-Permit vehicle with proper documentation. Private/personally owned vehicle's (7+1 seater Innova & 9+1 seater Winger) are offered in the service only with consent from guest agreeing to whatever consequences occurred if any.
- Booking & confirmation is to be done by email OR over phone & sms.
- For local travel within Mumbai city limits charges applicable are based on 8hrs & 80km / 12hrs & 120km basis. Any additional time & Kilometers will be charged as per rates agreed. Distance - time calculation & all charges payable from our garage to garage. Parking, Police Entry Charges payable & borne by guest travelling.
- For out-station use, a minimum of 250 Kms per calendar day for Cars and Multi-utility Vehicles & 300 Kms per calendar day for Tata Winger, Tempo Traveller, Mini Bus & Large Coaches. Distance calculation & all charges payable from our garage to garage or mutually agreed. Rates mentioned on our website are based on to & fro distance OR on minimum average payable.
- For outstation trip the vehicle should return/released in Mumbai latest by 23.00 hrs of the trip completion day of the tour. if, later the trip is considered as a day additional & the charges applicable will be accordingly. The trip will be terminated as soon as the vehicle returns to Mumbai and the guest is dropped at their desired place. THE VEHICLE CAN NOT BE USED FOR LOCAL PURPOSE AFTER THAT EVEN THOUGH THE PARTY HAS PAID FOR THAT FULL DAY.
- D A (Driver Allowance) is applicable between 6 a.m. & 11 p.m. Extra allowance to be paid if/for early start & late release Or as mutually agreed. Driver will arrange/manage for food & accommodation etc., if provided it will be on guest's good gesture.. but STILL THE DRIVER ALLOWANCE WILL HAVE TO BE PAID AS AGREED.
- Toll Taxes, Parking Charges, RTO Charges, Entry Fees, Interstate Permit (if any) payable as on actual & borne by guest travelling.
- No refund OR any deduction/concession of any kind will be given for waste of days and subsequent loss suffered by the party in hotel reservation, Air, Rail reservations or any such other loss, due to natural calamities and/or circumstances beyond control such as Bundh, Riots, Strike or breakdown of the vehicle OR the tour is cut short by the guest FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.
- We are not responsible for any loss or damage due to vehicle breakdown, if any. However, we shall do our best to give replacement at the earliest.
- After the finalization of the tour/service cost agreed is based on current fuel rates & taxes, if there are any hikes are subject to change due to any inflationary trends without any prior notice. Rates & booking is subject to confirmation & availability. The agent reserves the right to change the Tariff at any time without any notice.
- Any complaint pertaining to driver during trip should be brought to our notice immediately over phone OR by mail.
- In case, if A/C fails on the way, we should be informed immediately over phone OR driver should be asked to talk to us and his owner. It should be taken into note as to when the A/C stopped functioning and duly signed by him. The rate of Non A/c vehicle of the similar category will be charged for these days on which A/C has not worked, NO OTHER CLAIM WHATSOEVER SHALL BE ENTERTAINED.
- The party will be solely responsible for their valuables like Cash, Jewelry, Camera, Cell phone etc. during the tour.
- All disputes are subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction only.
- The Audio Video system provided in vehicle is complimentary, we do not charge anything extra for that and hence, in case the audio or video is not working, is not in the vehicle or stops working during tour NO AMOUNT CAN BE DEDUCTED FROM OUR BILL.
- In case the vehicle is released apart from the location/city started, km track & the toll charges for the round trip will have to be paid by the guest travelling.
- Cancellation before 48 hrs hour of the travel date/time will attract 25% of the total bill agreed OR will attract charges equivalent to the full amount for one day. Whichever is higher. If, cancellation done less than 48 hrs hour of the travel date/time - NO REFUND WILL BE PAID.
- For any queries, please feel free to contact us.